School Hours and Attendance

The School Day

Students can arrive from 8:30am


Class commences: 8.50am
Morning Recess: 10.50am
Class resumes: 11.10am
Lunch: 1.10pm
Class resumes: 1.50pm
School finishes: 3.00pm

Maintaining Regular Attendance

Attendance is compulsory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Student absences need to be for appropriate reasons:

  • Illness or injury that is severe enough to warrant home/hosptial care, rest and recuperaiton.
  • Unavoidable family business and activities that affect child superision and family organisation.
  • Specialist medical or dental appointments.  If these can be made after shcool or during the holidays that is advisable but it is understood that this may not be feasible.

Birthdays and visits from family members don’t constitute feasible reasons for absenteeism. 


Vacations and holidays during the the term are recorded as unauthorised.

Going to school every day is vitally important so your child does not miss out on important ideas, concepts, knowledge and skills for future learning.  At our school, we want your children to do their very best.  To get the best education, they need to go to school every day.  By working together, our school community can support your child’s attendance.


At Albany Primary School, we ask that children to arrive between 8:30 and 8:40 each morning.

What can you do to help?

  • Have a set time for your child to go to bed at night and get up in the morning.
  • Have their uniform and school bag ready the night before.
  • Have a set time for breakfast.
  • Set a time for daily homework activities.
  • Talk about school
  • If running late, encourage your child to still go to school and reassure them that you will let the school know you are on the way.
  • Organise for your child to meet a friend before school so they can arrive at school together.
  • Get involved at school through volunteering or participate in school programs, events or join the Parents and Citizens’ Association.


Do you need to let the school know if your child will be away from school?

Yes, you need to let office staff know that your child will be absent from school and the reason why as soon as possible.

Having information about why a child is missing school helps us plan for their return to school and to work out whether we can provide any further help to you.


When a student’s attendance falls below 90% or is identified as a concern, the Student Attendance in Public Schools Policy and procedures requires the school to investigate the reasons for a student’s absence, discuss with parents and implement strategies for improvement that are linked to the causes of absence. 


Maintaining Punctuality

  • Aim to have students arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.40am each day.  This enables class members to prepare for the day.  Arriving before 8.25am is not recommended or desirable.
  • Collect students promptly after school. No one should be collected any later than 3.15pm.
  • Arrive punctually at school at designated times if the teacher is conducting an assembly, excursion, special classroom acitivity they are attending.
  • Always be on time to collect your child from a school disco or after school event.

When you are punctual you help the school conduct activities effectively and decrease the anxiety and frustration levels of your child.


Before and after school play on school grounds

The staff of the school owe the students a “duty of care” once they are on the school grounds and the principal is responsible for managing those people who are on the grounds and using them outside of instruction time. 

In the mornings students arriving early are supervised in the under cover area until 8:35am. After this classrooms are open and students are able to enter and organise themselves for the day.


In the afternoons parents are responsible for their children and therefore their wellbeing and safety. However, all students must follow school requirements regarding play equipment and may be required to leave the premises. The principal has the right to ask anybody on the school grounds to depart the premises immediately. We ask all parents to ensure that students play appropriately and leave as soon as possible. Organisations may use the facilities in agreement with the principal. A fee may apply. 


Ten ways to assist your child at school 

  1. Check that they return library books on time. There is a two week turn around for borrowing. 

  2. Attend the beginning of the year parent meeting held by each teacher. 

  3. Have parent/teacher meetings to keep in touch with your child’s performance. Complete home reading diaries and check that they have completed any classroom requirements. 

  4. Assist the teacher with costuming when the class has assembly. 

  5. Volunteer to assist at sporting carnivals and classroom activities. 

  6. Help out during P&C activities and fundraisers. 

  7. Cover student workbooks at the beginning of the year. First and Surname on everything 

  8. Follow up with the teacher and then the principal if your child is trying to avoid attending school regularly. 

  9. There are many other ways you can keep your child participating effectively in the learning program. Keep an open mind and be as supportive as you can.